Silvia Turonova
Welcome, beautiful soul. My name is Silvia, and I am on a relentless pursuit of spreading joy and peace while helping people to heal anything that’s stopping them from living to the fullest.
As a recovering codependent and a trauma survivor, I feel it’s my responsibility to share with you this: you can heal yourself, and retrain your mind for happiness while experiencing the joy that comes from simply being you.
In 2019, I went through a divorce. At first, I thought, “great, it’s time to start over, everything will be better now.” However, a few months after my big move, I found myself standing on the edge. At first, I couldn’t pinpoint what the problem was.
On the outside, I seemed happy. I had my job, enjoyed the life of independence, and had great friends while living on my terms. However, on the inside, I struggled. My unhealed past was trying to make its way out while I was doing anything I could to push it back down.
Although I was progressing in my healing while shedding away pain from the past, I still had a way to go. Even though I had a pretty good knowledge about trauma, how it impacts our lives, and how it shows up in our present, I felt overwhelmed by the amount of information and saw only a slight change in my life.

I wanted to find the easiest, most accessible way for anyone to heal themselves while learning self-regulation.
In September 2022, I experienced a breakthrough. I was at home, sitting at my desk, contemplating the meaning of life, and out of nowhere, I had an idea. I decided I had to go to India to study yoga and meditation. For some reason, I became convinced that this was the next best step. Therefore, I quit my job, pulled money out of every possible place I could, packed one middle size suitcase, and boarded the plane.
Fast forward, I went through the most transformative, mind-opening, and healing experiences of my life.
Somewhere between intense Ashtanga practice and philosophical classes with the monk, I understood the fundamental principle of all suffering and happiness in life – how well we train our minds and the ability to regulate our emotional state.
After I returned, I began teaching yoga and started to get back into coaching. Every week, I release new content with tips, tools, techniques, and practices on how to live a happier and healthier life.
I invite you to take a look around and take advantage of the free content on this site, whether in the form of blog posts, podcast episodes, or guided meditations.
Make sure you grab my FREE gift – Self-Coaching Worksheet and begin your transformation NOW! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.