Feeling Is Healing: 5 Ways How To Feel Your Emotions
Learning how to feel your emotions is one of the best ways to release them and heal yourself.
Any emotion you deny, numb or ignore will eventually find its expression. If you suppress what you feel, it may result in anger, resentment, or other forms of prolonged negativity.
Over the weekend, I spoke to one of my closest friends. She is going through a challenging time with buying and selling her house. She fell into the trap with a construction company and got ripped off.
She told me, “I just want to cry, but I can’t. It feels like there is so much sadness, pain, and anger built up within me, but I don’t know what to do with it. I could never cry. I always had to be strong. There wasn’t time for crying.”
She went on to ask me, “As my coach, what would you recommend? What should I do?”
I replied, “Allow yourself to go deeper, and don’t shy away from this. If you pay attention to what you feel, acknowledge it and feel it, slowly you’ll begin to release it and feel a deep sense of relief. I know you don’t want to hear it, but this is what this situation is showing you.”
Then, I gave her recommendations on what to do and how to proceed.
It proved to me many times that when we are challenged mentally and emotionally, we are being led towards healing.
The only question is, “Are we willing to look at what we feel and go through the process while understanding that there is something very beautiful on the other side?”
5 Ways how to feel your emotions
1. It’s okay to feel them
One of the emotions I struggled to feel was anger. Every time anger resurfaced, I felt ashamed for feeling it. I tried everything. I talked myself out of it, denied it, ridiculed it, or tried to pretend that it was not there.
I wasn’t accepting this emotion as a part of my experience. When I finally let go of the expectations of what I should feel and welcomed what was there, I began releasing my anger.
Healing yourself or being spiritual doesn’t mean you are positive and happy 24/7.
It’s about being true to yourself, who you are in the moment, and what you feel.
Only when you accept yourself can you feel your emotions. It then becomes an outlet for release and natural healing.
2. You are safe to feel your emotions
When you experience unwanted feelings, your mind goes into panic. Since it wants to spend time in comfort as often as possible, it unconsciously makes you react by denying what you feel, getting busy with other things, or numbing it.
When this happens, remind yourself there is nothing to fear when you feel your emotions.
You can repeat this affirmation:
It’s okay to feel my emotions because I know I am safe and there is nothing to fear. I am worthy of healing. I honor myself to process what I need to and release any expectations of feeling anything else. I stay in my authenticity and accept myself fully. I am free.
3. Use your emotions as a clue
Think of your emotions as opportunities. They show you what you need to see and point you toward healing.
Therefore, when you feel anger, upset, sadness, hate, jealousy, fear, and so on, ask yourself:
What is this emotion trying to tell me? What can I understand from it?
When it comes to your feelings, sometimes logic is the answer. Emotions can take you on a spiral because they are intense. Therefore, ask yourself powerful questions.
Looking at your emotions from the place of logic while questioning them helps you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your next best step instead of overreacting and acting on an emotional impulse.
4. Attune to your inner child
You can think of your emotions as cries of your inner child. Whether you feel anger, sadness, or jealousy, your inner child is asking for attention.
She is simply saying, “Hey, I need you to look at this.”
When you allow yourself to feel your emotions, you create a safe space for your inner child to heal. You are accepting what is there while validating that it’s okay to feel it.
5. Forgive yourself
I met so many women (and was one of them) who felt guilty for their emotions.
Since our logical mind can’t understand why we feel anger or despair when we know it’s not good for us, it immediately reaches for judgment. Although prolonged emotions of anger are certainly unhealthy, they won’t go away by ignoring them but rather, by paying attention to them.
If you want the fastest and most effective way to heal your past, I encourage you to accept and feel your emotions.
When you find yourself in judgment and guilt for the things you feel, say this affirmation:
I forgive myself for the judgment I brought into the space and gently remind myself that what I feel is okay. There is no shame in it. I know that the way to healing is through what I feel. I offer myself grace to release the guilt for good. I am worthy of forgiveness. I am worthy of healing.
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Feeling your emotions and using them to your advantage may feel intimidating. Therefore, I invite you to schedule a complimentary coaching session with me. We’ll look at your most important goals and dreams you want to bring to life, and you’ll learn more about working with me. If this interests you, click HERE and send me a message.
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